With the emergence of sites like Twitter and Facebook amongst a hoard of others, some are covinced the newspapers will ultimately fade into nonexsistence as we move into the smart-phone reading fast-driven world. Not exactly i say, remember that even though these site might deliver content in awesome times and right at your fingertips ... i 'm reminded of that good old saying, uugh whats was it again, OH! you cant trust everything you get of the internet!
Thats not to say you can trust everything in the newspaper, but you can at least be assured that there is some sort of checks and balances that newspaper stories undergo - who checks the internet stories? And if the papers misspell your name or misinform readers you have the option of calling in to demand a rewrite or correction ... can you call that internet news source that also misspelt your name?
True every newspaper today also has a website but one has to be weary of these out of nowhere internet professionals who always want to offer their professional opinions on the web. Although Twitter has gotten notoriety for posting real time information about events unfolding in journalist restricted areas - you cannot always trust the source. Althought these social media sites inform, they can also be used as propoganda weapons by finatics seeking support - and who is there to regulate that.
Excellent analysis of this article Derrick!
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